The comic story about an American teenager with a rebellious nature, which, after numerous clashes with his father, sent to an English boarding school with strict rules to correct her behavior.
Sixteen-year-Poppy Moore - a narcissistic spoiled girl from a wealthy family who lives in Los Angeles. Her mother died five years ago, and his father remarried. When her next trick moves its borders, the father sends Poppy in English school for girls, to bring his daughter to life. Poppy will be living in the hostel with English girls, not different fashion looks, who believe that "word manicure and pedicure - it's the Latin greeting". Moore is making an enemy of the headman of school that does everything that Poppy was expelled, and indeed the Moore, not without the help of his new friends, breaks free and does everything by the standards of the college beyond reasonable. But the headmistress is adamant, she promised her father Poppy, which will help the girl and woman is strictly on his own, trying to cool down a young American woman. New British girlfriend Poppy invent a new plan, which must be executed immediately. In the headmistress has a son Freddie, coming on board at the weekend to his mother. Poppy has to seduce him and begin to meet with him, as well as the college are forbidden any relationships between boys and girls, you should immediately Poppy drive. Starting lure Freddy, she does not notice how he fell in love. But all would have been nice if the elder did not spoil everything.
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